International show, Fribourg February 23
Judge: Mr Stelios Makaritis (GRE)
Junior Class: Excellent 1,Jr-CAC,Jr-BOB Bersheba's
Wakoor (Cadosch, F)
Intermediate Class: Excellent 1,CACIB,CAC,
BOB Ruwaid Schuru-esch-Schams (Ineichen/Schritt, D)
Open Class: Excellent 1,R-CACIB,CAC Ben-Bahram
Azrou (Cadosch, F)
Open Class: Excellent 1, CAC, Mayss
Schuru-esch-Schams (Friedrich, D)
International show, Fribourg February 24
Judge: Mr Christian Magre (F)
Junior Class: Excellent 1,Jr-CAC,Jr-BOB
Bersheba's Wakoor (Cadosch, F)
Intermediate Class: Excellent 1,R-CACIB,CAC
Ruwaid Schuru-esch-Schams (Ineichen/Schritt, D)
Open Class: Excellent 1,CACIB,CAC Ben-Bahram
Azrou (Cadosch, F)
Excellent 2,R-CAC Quyyim Schuru-esch-Schams (Hochreuter,
Junior Class: Excellent 1,Jr-CACBersheba's
Wasala (Grams, CH)
Open Class: Excellent 1,CACIB,CAC,BOB
Qismah Schuru-esch-Schams (Hochreuter, Caratti,CH)
Excellent 2,R-CACIB,R-CAC Mayss Schuru-esch-Schams
(Friedrich, D)
Ben-Bahram Azrou becomes Swiss Champion
National show of the club for Oriental Sighthounds,
Lotzwil, May 1
Sloughi Club Winner Show
Judge: Mrs Beatrix Märki Casanova (CH)
Junior Class: Excellent 1, Jr-CAC Bersheba's
Wahad (S. Van der Wees/G. Camenisch CH)
Open Class: Excellent 1, CAC Hatanij
el Djerid (R. Bächtiger, CH)
no evaluation Thaby de la Horde d'or (H.
Pfenninger, CH)
Champion Class: Excellent 1, CAC, BOB
Club winner 2008, 3rd BIS Bersheba's Shoukran (S. Van der Wees, CH)
Excellent 2, R-CAC Bersheba's Shabaz (S. &
A. Lütschg, CH)
Excellent 3 Bersheba's Sharqui (E. Dällenbach,
Excellent 4 Bersheba's Mubarriz (J. Wild, CH)
Excellent Bersheba's Vahkiri (D. Grams/E.
Dällenbach, CH)
Excellent Bersheba's Qa'rib (S. Van der
Wees/G. Camenisch CH)
Veteran Class: Excellent 1, V-CAC Faraon
Ibn Jamil el Djerid (R. Bächtiger, CH)
Excellent 2, R-V-CAC Fadlan il Kalam el Djerid
(I. Bissig, CH)
Junior Class: Excellent 1, Jr-CAC, Jr.
BOB 3rd Jrd-BIS Bersheba's Wasala (D. Grams, CH)
Excellent 2, R-J-CAC Chirine del Sayad el Gazel
(R. Bächtiger, CH)
Excellent 3 Bersheba's Wajeezah (G. & W.
Mühle, CH)
Excellent 4 Chaden del Sayad el Gazel (D. Kohler,
Open Class: Excellent 1, CAC, BOS,
Clubwinner 2008 Magistére Viva (H. Bauer/D. Grams, D)
Working Class:Excellent 1, CAC Kalila
Min Ahrar al Maghrib (D. Kohler, CH)
Veteran Class: Excellent 1, V-CAC, V-BOB
2nd V-BIS, Naizah (D. Grams, CH)
Excellent 2, R-V-CAC Bersheba's Jalaijl (U. Rosenzweig,
National show, Versoix, May 11
Judge: Mrs M.-C.Delabelle (Belgium)
© Oliver 2008
Open Class dogs: Excellent 1, CAC,
BOB, Nujum Sa'ada Chronos (Oliver)
International show, St. Gallen, May 17
Judge: Mrs Orietta Zilli (I)
Open Class: Excellent 1,CACIB,CAC, BOS
Parviz Schuru-esch-Schams (Mothersill, CH)
Champion Class: Excellent 1,R-CACIB,CAC
Chadi Schuru-esch-Schams (Mothersill, CH)
Veteran Class: Excellent 1,V-CAC, V-BOB,
2nd Best Veteran all Breed, Volkan Schuru-esch-Schams (Mothersill, CH)
Junior Class: Excellent 1,Jr-CAC, Jr-BOB
Chirine del Sayad el Gazel (Bächtiger, CH)
Open Class: Excellent 1,CACIB,CAC,BOB
Magistere Viva ( Bauer/ Grams, CH)*
show, St. Gallen, May 18
125 years anniversary of the Swiss Kennel
Judge: Mr Arne Foss (N)
Open Class: Very Good 1 Parviz Schuru-esch-Schams
(Mothersill, CH)
Champion Class: Excellent 1,CACIB,CAC
Jubiläumssieger 2008 Bersheba's Vahkiri (Grams/Dällenbach,
Excellent 2,R-CACIB,R-CAC Chadi Schuru-esch-Schams
(Mothersill, CH)
Veteran Class: Excellent 1,Vet-CAC, Vet-BOB
Volkan Schuru-esch-Schams (Mothersill, CH)*
Open Class: Excellent 1,CACIB,CAC,BOB
Jubiläumssieger 2008 Magistere Viva ( Bauer, Grams, CH)
Very Good 2 Mayssa Schuru-esch-Schams (Friedrich,
Vahkiri and Viva become Swiss champions
National show, Rifferswil, May 31
Judge: Mrs Marliese Müller-Schneebeli (CH)
Junior Class: Excellent 1,Jr-CAC Bersheba's
Wakoor (Cadosch, F)
Open Class: Excellent 1,CAC Parviz Schuru-esch-Schams
(Mothersill, CH)
Working Class: Excellent 1,CAC, BOS,
Imran Schuru-esch-Schams (Mothersill, CH)
Champion Class: Excellent 1,CAC Ben-Bahram
Azrou (Cadosch, F)
Excellent 2,R-CAC Chadi Schuru-esch-Schams (Mothersill,
Junior Class: Excellent1, Jr-CAC, Jr-BOB,
BOB, JrBIS 2 Bersheba's Wahfah (Frei, CH)
Excellent 2,R-J-CAC Bersheba's Wasala (Grams,
Working Class: Excellent 1,CAC
Ifrita Schuru-esch-Schams (Altenhof, D)
Veteran Class: Excellent 1,Vet-CAC
Ta'ila Schuru-esch-Schams (Altenhof, D)
Excellent 2,R-Vet-CAC Naizah bint bershebas (Grams,
International show, Luzern, June 21
Judge: Dr. Tamal Jakkel (H)
Junior Class: Very Good 1 Cheikh-Malik
del Sayad el Gazel (Ayuso, F)
Open Class: Excellent1, R-CACIB,CAC Idris
Bohemia Genao (Debaye, F)
Champion Class: Excellent 1, CACIB,CAC,
BOS, Chadi Schuru-esch-Schams (Mothersill, CH)
Junior Class: Excellent 1, J-CAC, J-BOB,
BOB Bayda Sabiih al Sahra (Feichter, CH)
Excellent 2, R-J-CAC Chirine
del Sayad el Gazel (Bächtiger, CH)
Cani'Bulle, Bulle, July 12
Judge: Mr W. Schicker (D)
Junior Class: Excellent 1,JrCAC,JrBOB,
BOB Bersheba's Wasala (D. Grams, Schönenberg)
Veteran Class: Excellent 1,VetCAC,VetBOB
Naizah bint bershebas (D. Grams, Schönenberg)
National show, Lotzwil, August 30
Judge: Mrs S. Juutilainen (FIN)
Puppy Class: Very Promising1 Bersheba's
X'Kharazi (Küng, CH)
Open Class: Excellent 1,CAC, BOS Ruwaid
Schuru-esch-Schams (Ineichen/Schritt, D)
Puppy Class: Very Promising1, Puppy BOB
Bersheba's X'Jllaila (Grams/Rosenzweig, CH)
Junior Class: Excellent 1, Beste Hündin
JrBOB, BOB JrBIS Chirine
del Sayad el Gazel (Bächtiger, CH)
National Show, Kleindöttingen, September
Judge: Mr P. Mazura (A)
Open Class: Excellent 1,CAC, BOB Ruwaid
Schuru-esch-Schams (Ineichen/Schritt, D)
Junior Class: Excellent 1,JrCAC, JrBOB
Chirine del Sayad el Gazel (Bächtiger, CH)
Open Class: Excellent 1,CAC, BOS Chahrazad
Schuru-esch-Schams (Ineichen, CH)
Chirine becomes Junior Swiss Champion
National Show, Lostallo, September 27
Judge: Dr. A. Lamperti (I)
Junior Class: Excellent 1,JrCAC, JrBOB
, BOB Sayyad Min Alamira Al Zarifa (Mothersill, CH)
Open Class: Excellent 1,CAC Hatanji el
Djerid (Bächtiger, CH)
Excellent 2,R-CAC Parviz Schuru-esch-Schams (Mothersill,
Champion Class: Excellent 1,CAC Imrani
Schuru-esch-Schams (Mothersill, CH)
Veteran Class: Excellent
1,VetCAC Rumi Schuru-esch-Schams (Schröder, D)
Very Good 2 Targi Schuru-esch-Schams (Schröder,
Puppy Class: Very Promising Vashtaa Schuru-esch-Schams
(Salzgeber, CH)
Junior Class: Excellent
1,JrCAC Chirine del Sayad el Gazel (Bächtiger, CH)
Open Class: Excellent 1,CAC Darya Schuru-esch-Schams
(Salzgeber, CH)
Working Class: Excellent
1,CAC Ifrita Schuru-esch-Schams (Altenhof, D)
Champion Class: Excellent
1,CAC Kafila Schuru-esch-Schams (Altenhof, D)
Veteran Class: Excellent 1,VetCAC Ta'ila
Schuru-esch-Schams (Altenhof, D)
International Show, Lausanne October 19
Judge: Mr J. Homem de Mello (PT)
Junior Class: Excellent 1,JrCAC,JrBOB
Chams Al Dins El Arabi of Love Arab Beauty (Martin,F)
Intermediate Class: Excellent 1,CAC,R-CACIB
Bersheba's Wakoor (Cadosch, F)
Champion Class: Excellent 1,CACIB,CAC,BOB
Amjad El Badri Choukrallah of Love Arab Beauty (Martin,F)
Champion Class: Excellent 1,CACIB,CAC,
BOS Arab Bahari's Amra Al Basma Chabiba of Love Arab Beauty (Martin,F)
International show, Lausanne, October 18
Judge: Mrs B. Märki Casanova (CH)
Junior Class: Excellent 1,JrCAC,JrBOB
Chams Al Dins El Arabi of Love Arab Beauty (Martin,F)
Intermediate Class: Excellent 1,CAC,R-CACIB
Bersheba's Wakoor (Cadosch, F)
Champion Class: Excellent 1,CACIB,CAC,
BOS Amjad El Badri Choukrallah of Love Arab Beauty (Martin,F)
Intermediate Class: Excellent 1,CAC,R-CACIB
Bersheba's Wasala (Grams, CH)
Open Class:Excellent 1,CAC Bersheba's
Wafah (Frei, CH)
Champion Class:Excellent
1,CACIB,CAC,BOB Arab Bahari's Amra Al Basma Chabiba of Love Arab Beauty
Solo Racing, Rifferswil, August 1
1. Race 450m
2. Race 350m
Licensed Dogs
1. Qayyim Schuru esch Schams (Caratti/Hochreuter,
CH) 33.26/25.23 / 58.49
2. Parviz Schuru esch Schams (Mothersill, CH)
33.89/zz. / 33.89
3. Imran Schuru esch Schams (Mothersill, CH)
34.14/zz. / 34.14
Licensed Bitches
1. Kaya Schuru esch Schams (Mann, D) 32.21/24.39
/ 56.60
2. Qiamah Schuru esch Schams (Caratti/Hochreuter,
CH) 32.22/25.35 / 58.77
3. Maali Schuru esch Schams (Mann, D) 33.42/25.35
/ 58.10
Mixte not licensed
1. Bersheba's Shoukran (Van der Wees, CH) 31.84/24.29
/ 56.13
2. Bersheba's Wahad (Van der Wees/Camenisch,
CH) 32.43/24.45 / 56.88
3. Ruwaid Schuru esch Schams (Ineichen, D) 32.60/24.55
/ 57.15
4. Bersheba's Qa'rib (Van der Wees/Camenisch,
CH) 33.02/25.08 / 58.10
5. Fissa Sheik el Arab (Mangelsdorf, D) 33.06/25.11
/ 58.17
6. Bersheba's Shayma (Frei, CH) 33.89/25.81 /
7. Bersheba's Sharqui (Dällenbach, CH) 36.45/26.02
/ 62.47
Bitches not licensed, 350m
1. Bersheba's Wahfah (Frei, CH) 26.51/26.19 /
Senior Dogs, 350 m
1. Gayyim el Djerid (Bissig) 27.75/28.09 / 55.84
Senior Bitches, 350 m
1. Charazad Schuru esch Schams (Ineichen, D)
27.27/27.35 / 54.62
Solo Racing, Rifferswil, August 24
Sloughi mixte 450m
1. Bersheba's Shoukran (Van der Wees)
32.17/32.15 / 64.32
2. Bersheba's Wahad (Van der Wees/Camenisch)
32.47/32.12 / 64.59
3. Bersheba's Shayma (Frei) 32.43/32.91 / 65.34
4. Bersheba's Wahfah (Frei) 32.42/33.36 / 65.78
5. Bersheba's Qa'rib (Van der Wees/Camenisch)
32.90/32.89 / 65.79
6. Bersheba's Sharqui (Dällenbach) 34.94/34.56
/ 69.50
Sloughi Seniors 340 m
1. Gayyim el Djerid (Bissig) 29.46/29.76
/ 59.22
FCI European Racing Championship, Versoix,
September 6-7
Dogs, Finals 480 m
1. EW Red Chazzan Ksar Ghilane (Fechner D)
2. Blue Fateh Ibn Abu Sheik el Arab (Lauer D)
4. Black Farid Sheik el Arab (Duerk D) 35.226
5. Yellow C'Ameero Ksar Ghilane (Gasparini D)
3. White Qayyim Schuru-esch-Schams (Caratti-Hochreuther
CH) 36.759
6. Black striped Targui Al Jabari D'imi-N-Tanout
(Bloch F) 36.808
Bitches, Finals 480 m
1. EW Blue Namira Schuru-esch-Schams (Gill
D) 34.997
2. Red Qismah Schuru-esch-Schams (Caratti-Hochreuther
CH) 35.142
3. Black Ghaliyah al Din Sheik (Lauer D) 35.911
4. Black striped Chahrazad Schuru-esch-Schams
(Ineichen CH) 37.092
5. Yellow Kaya Schuru-esch-Schams (Mann D) 88.888
6. White Rais Siyada Aidialali (Anginard F) DQ
SWRV - Coursing Rifferswil, April 13
Judge: Mr Herbert Wittstadt (D)
1. Bersheba's Shoukran (Van der Wees (CH)
25 pts
2. Imran Schuru-esch-Schams(Mothersill-Baumann
CH) 23 pts
3. Parviz Schuru-esch-Schams (Mothersill-Baumann
CH) 24 pts
4. Bersheba's Qa'rib (Van der Wees CH) 23 pts
5. Fissa Sheik el Arab (Mangelsdorf D) 22 pts
6. Ballaanah Ksar Ghilane (Caratti CH) 9 pts
WFA - Spring-Coursing, Aarau, May 12
Judge: Mr. P.- A. Moreillon (?)
1. Kalila Min Ahrar al Maghrib (Kohler,
CH) 174 pts
2. Imran Schuru-esch-Schams (Mothersill-Baumann
CH) 170 pts.
3. Bersheba's Qa'rib (Van der Wees CH)165 pts
4. Parviz Schuru-esch-Schams (Mothersill-Baumann
CH) 161 pts
5. Bersheba's Shoukran (Van der Wees CH) 164
6. Bersheba's Sharqui (Dällenbach CH) 160
Coursing Swiss Championship, Lotzwil, August
Richter: Mr Ph. Eberhard (F), Mr. Th.Kühne
1. Bersheba's Shoukran (Van der Wees)186
pts/ 193 pts/Total: 379 pts
2. Kalila Min Ahrar al Maghrib (Kohler) 194 pts
/ 184 pts/ Total: 378 pts
3. Bersheba's Qa'rib (Van der Wees/ Camenisch)
185 pts / 185 pts/ Total: 370 pts
WFA Fall Coursing, Aarau, September 21
Mixte 750m
Judges: Mr J. Will (NL), Mr Hugo Keller (CH)
1. Kalila Min Ahrar al Maghrib (Schär)
2. Bersheba's Qa'rib (van der Wees/Camenisch)
3. Bersheba's Sharqui (Dällenbach) 162 pts
4. Bersheba's Shoukran (van der Wees) 160 pts
5. Gamrah el Djerid (Wiedemeier) 159 pts
Advent Coursing, Gunterswilen,
November 30
Organizer: Club Azawahk Swiss
Mixte: ca.850m
Judges: Mr Thomas Kühne (CH), Mrs Brigitte
Suligoi (CH)
1. Bersheba's Qa'rib (Van der Wees/Camenisch)
2. Bersheba's Shoukran (Van der Wees/Camenisch)
23 pts
3. Parviz Schuru-esch-Schams (Mothersill) 22
4. Imran Schuru-esch-Schams (Mothersill) 21 pts
5. Bersheba's Sharqui (Dällenbach) 20 pts
6. Bersheba's Shayma (Frei) 20 pts
