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(20 National Race Points and up)
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25 2003
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last update June 30 2006
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Call name in red for highest pointed of each breed
Breed/LRN/ Call Name/ Registered Name /(Owner) | NRC Pts/ Rank |
Sloughi-18 Fahel Ch Fahel
Shi’Rayan FCC SORC SGRC6 (de Caprona)
Greyhound-319 Horsea Horsea SORC SGRC5 (Houghton) Basenji-52 Moxie AB Keen Midnite Impatiens JC SGRC4 (Morgan) Italian Greyhound-8 Mark Ch Whirlwind Tip of the Iceberg NA OAJ SC FC ORC SGRC4 (Downing/Dickinson) Sloughi-25 I'saar I'saar Shi'Rayan ORC SGRC4 (de Caprona) Italian Greyhound-161 Paulie Ragazzo Grande e Bello JC SGRC3 (Cersosimo) Borzoi-583 Drake Avalon Jericho Mile SGRC3 (Henriksson) Italian Greyhound-148 Snoopy Count Snoopy von Edison SGRC3 (Jones) Saluki-85 Missy DC Solari Antara Full O’Mischief FC SORC SGRC3 (Fisher) Italian Greyhound-14 Rollie Sierravue Roll of the Dice ORC SGRC3 (Kitch/Carver) 97.50 Rhodesian Ridgeback-150 Bagheera FC Southoaks HH Jungle Mischief FC ORC SGRC3 (Kincaid) Rhodesian Ridgeback-46 Shamisa U-GrCh Mazoe's Denali Pherenike JC JOR SGRC3 (Bell) Greyhound-308 Small Fry Small Fry ORC SGRC2 (Houghton) Greyhound-184 Malibu Nitro Malibu FC SGRC2 (Houghton) Borzoi-377 Neechee Silkenswift Camus Dark Realm SC LCM SGRC2 (Moore/Dalzell) Borzoi-380 Ritzar Zanoza Puttin On The Ritzar SGRC2 (Duncan) Afghan Hound-96 Carri Windyglen Carried Away JC SGRC2 (King) Greyhound-422 A.J. Winds AJs Boy Racer SGRC2 (Lorenzo) Rhodesian Ridgeback-1 Jomie DC Denali's Jomo Wa Kirinyaga CD MC LCM3 SORC SGRC2 (Bell) Scottish Deerhound-16 Brier DC Windswift Brier Rose FC SORC SGRC2 (Campbell) Basenji-108 Cody Cody IV SGRC2 (Cook) Afghan Hound-77 Sturgis Windyglen's Shantung Sylk SORC SGRC2 (Papin) Borzoi-383 Flareon-S Chataqua Flareon of Gryf-n-Viktor SGRC2 (Shell/Whitlock) Basenji-41 Tabasco Redjhinn Tabasco O'Bushbabies SC FC JOR SGRC (Sauceda) Scottish Deerhound-77 Tip DC Kilbourne Zane FC JOR SGRC (Kiaer/Edwards) Rhodesian Ridgeback-360 Moose Mwenje's In a Big Country SGRC (Kamal) Greyhound-210 Whizbang Whirling Windhound's Whizbang JC SGRC (Houghton) Basenji-165 Gracie Gracie Lou Freebush SGRC (Schubert) Ibizan Hound- 26 Tea CH Wirtu's Spanish Tantivey JC SGRC (Kelly) Greyhound-164 Ragman WD's Juanito SGRC (Rosko) Basenji-516 Mir FC Mielikki A Kind Of Magic SC FC SGRC (Tabner) Greyhound-66 Dighty Dighton Donna SGRC (Godfroid) Borzoi-616 Keelo Avalon Kilimanjaro Delsol LCM2 SGRC (Moore) Pharaoh Hound-71 Phantom DC Sovrin Tut's Noble Phantom SC FC SOR ORC SGRC (Gwin) Basenji-162 Ian Apu the Answer SGRC (Christensen/Marsicano) Afghan Hound-60 Larson Tamrick's Grand Larceny SGRC (Brown) Borzoi-111 Teller Pickle Hill's Story Teller SGRC (Kelley/Corell) Saluki-81 Mella Menjad Makhmel Al B SGRC (Mujsce) Scottish Deerhound-6 Rory NFC DC Chartwell Silver Run Vale Vue LCM6 ORC SGRC (Bonacarti) Rhodesian Ridgeback-313 Kaia Kimani's Motion Granted JC SGRC (Vega) 39.83 Greyhound-391 Anna-M Onaim Anna Too SGRC (Miano) Borzoi-102 Roma Rome Cantor of the Wild Hunt SGRC (Duncan) Italian Greyhound-130 Mossimo Little Boy Blue Mossimo SGRC (Cook) Rhodesian Ridgeback-165 Riley Jacqhari's All Riled Up SC FC SGRC (Hartzel) Borzoi-302 Arthur Gryffyns Once n Future King SGRC (Shell) Borzoi-880 Zemny FC WindNSatin Ty Slezi of Zemny FCh SC GRC (Childs) Irish Wolfhound-65 Kameryn Stoneybrook Brynmair Kameryn FC SGRC (Ferris/Frederick) Ibizan Hound-12 Speck DC Elidas Speck of Miles LCM4 SORC SGRC (Kelly) Italian Greyhound-262 Cleo Mahim's Cleo, JC SGRC (Kataeva) Italian Greyhound-58 Pete DC Whirlwind Ice Cold Beer ORC SGRC (Downing/Dickinson) Pharaoh Hound-28 Gator DC K'Azar Ima Rebel Renegade MC FC JOR SGRC (Harper/Durr) Greyhound-97 Kansas Windyglen's Kansas ORC SGRC (Papin) Ibizan Hound-8 Ditto FC Elidas Wirtu Carbon Copy LCM2 SORC SGRC (Kelly) Afghan Hound-114 Glacier Ch Forever Glacier Ice FC SGRC (Nelson) Borzoi-646 Scarlett Mayberry's Gone With the Wind SGRC (Mayberry) Greyhound-531 Aroni Figs Twice Aroni SGRC (Brewer) Greyhound-350 Lance Flying Gable Dog SGRC (Krey) Borzoi-20 Neon FC Kristull Neon of Ryhka LCM Can FChX CM SORC SGRC (Darling/Anuta) Italian Greyhound-51 Monte Skyview's Out of the Blue SGRC (Cornelius) Borzoi-290 Miss T Nickolai Misty Claridge SGRC (Shell) Borzoi-698 Spot Barron's Stonewalk Jackson SGRC (Barron) Rhodesian Ridgeback-301 Titan Titan JOR SGRC (Lacey) Borzoi-796 Portia Jubilee Dumanai Sozo SGRC (Gredys) Borzoi-259 Anya Meadowcreek's Breath Of Life SGRC (Clifford) Irish Wolfhound-87 Lucy-F Stoneybrook Brynmair Kinealy LCM SGRC (Ferris/Frederick) Borzoi-755 Kazan Chabibi's Korona-Kazan SGRC (Golcher) Sloughi-22 Lycka Syringa Happiness at Shi'Rayan ORC GRC (de Caprona) Scottish Deerhound-66 Laird Thistleglen Laird Deermont FC SGRC (Grieb) Basenji-169 Lucy Maridadi Lulumizi SGRC (Morgan) Borzoi-912 Electra C'lestial High Voltage SC FCh SGRC (Green) Scottish Deerhound-90 Picasso FC Boghaven's Picasso M SC SGRC (Phillippe) Basenji-158 Kunjo Apu Jay Dreamin' Breeze SC SGRC (Culver) Greyhound-324 Haley M's Maid Betty FC SGRC (Rudzitis) Borzoi-525 Tamar Jubilee’s Heavenly Creation SGRC (Gredys) Afghan Hound-133 Fajan Fajan El Durani SGRC (Papin/Griffith) Pharaoh Hound-21 Luxor DC Kamaraj Luxor Th-E-Brod MC LCM SGRC (Brodeur/Smith) Borzoi-240 Rosie Kirov Monoceros JC SGRC (Ewing) Borzoi- Blaze Silkenswift Blaze of Chaos CGC LCM2 SC SORC SGRC (Dalzell) Sloughi-044 Najeeba Najeeba Shi'Rayan SGRC (de Caprona) Basenji-68 Tommy Ch Sonbar's Customized Color SGRC (Yard) Sloughi-21 Hayifa Hayifa Shi'Rayan ORC SGRC (de Caprona) Sloughi-4 Aswad Aswad Shi'Rayan De Caprona ORC SGRC (de Caprona) Borzoi-910 Scotty Sylvan Scotch and Soda SGRC (Hall) Scottish Deerhound-106 Ghillie-K Ch Cu Liath Ayr Ghillie FC ORC SGRC (Kiaer) Sloughi-3 Assissa A'ssissa Shi'Rayan De Caprona FCC ORC SGRC (de Caprona) Saluki-4 Daffy DC Pharout Whoop E of Ruwach CGC MC FC SGRC (Powers) Rhodesian Ridgeback-423 Moe U-GrCh Mwenje’s Mojo Rising SC FCh GRC (Price) Saluki-131 Linus DC Jedashi Wichita Lineman GRC (Brown) Basenji-191 Hijinx Kazor's Autumn Hijinx GRC (Sauceda) Borzoi-631 Jack Del Sol Full Metal Jacket GRC (Henriksson) Borzoi-001 K'Lar FC Silkenswift Intent K'lar FC SORC GRC (Banks) Basenji-19 Abbey CH Alamar Selby Abbeygale JC NA FC GRC (Morgan) Sloughi-12 Bassel Bassel Shi'Rayan ORC GRC (de Caprona) Greyhound-475 Launch Cee Bar Launch GRC (Cortella) Greyhound-281 Joy Chocolate City GRC (Rosko) Scottish Deerhound-127 Ariel Skyhigh Citabria O'Jubalhil VCD1 OAJ JC FCh GRC (Cutter) Afghan Hound-85 Taelie FC Tamrick's Conspiracy LCM GRC (Harris) Borzoi-444 Soli Winter Solstice of Paradise GRC (Michael) Borzoi-322 Speedy Windnsatin's Karelia Yal-Buz GRC (Griffith) Borzoi-441 Stripe Silkenswift Carbonel Redline LCM GRC (Sharp/Dalzell) Irish Wolfhound-163 Tiny Ox Ch Bluff Ox GRC (Neilson/Sliva) Greyhound-679 Chili WhrlinWildChild GRC (Hougton) Borzoi-415 Leigha Barron's Princess Leigha GRC (Barron) Italian Greyhound-125 Pepper-S Pepperoni of Piza VanShusterdog SC FC GRC (Shusterman/VanShaders) Greyhound-588 Stormy Lightning Storm GRC (Grosh) Borzoi-288 Baby Boy Espritduvent Glazunov GRC (Gregory) Sloughi-40 Munya Munya Shi'Rayan GRC (de Caprona) Afghan Hound-28 Ella Kruella Van Brabant JC JOR GRC (King/Voss) Scottish Deerhound-129 Kit Skyhigh Spilfire O'Jubalhil JC CD NA GRC (Cutter/Bonacarti) Borzoi-756 Kiev Chabibi's Kiev GRC (Thompson/Golcher) Borzoi-101 A'Net FC Odyssey www. Of the Wild Hunt SC, LCM, ORC GRC (Duncan/DiSanto) Saluki-4 Daisy DC Pharout Whoop E of Ruwach CGC MC FC GRC (Powers) Afghan Hound-171 Malik El Zagel's Wynter Rahwynd GRC (Britton) Borzoi-663 Raichu Lithium’s White Raichu of Ryhka GRC (Barron) Pharaoh Hound-77 Spenser FC Beltara's Red Cross Knight SC FC ORC GRC (Gray) Afghan Hound-87 Kismet DC Llacue's Malaguena CGC FC ORC GRC (Trifiro/Lake/Llano/Cue) Borzoi-75 Phenanthrene FC Niteshade's Phenanthrene of Ryhka SC LCM3 CFC GRC (Darling) Borzoi-145 Aero Silkenswift Blazes Blue Aero GRC (Paris) Greyhound-402 Lil Guy Lil Guy Anthony GRC (Miano) Borzoi-151 Savannah FC Mayberry's Savannah LCM GRC (Mayberry) Ibizan Hound-27 Coffee Wirtu's Spanish Cacophoney JC GRC (Kelly) Greyhound-498 Tigger Tigger LCM2 GRC (Warden) Borzoi-699 Buddy-B Barron's Admiral Perry GRC (Barron) Basenji-105 Romeo FC Black Tie Affair SC CGC JOR GRC (Prendergast) Scottish Deerhound-185 Jedburgh Cu Liath Jedburgh GRC (Kiaer/Edwards) Scottish Deerhound-76 Robbie Cu Liath Ayr Dunrobin GRC (Kiaer/Edwards) Borzoi-214 Topaz-B Kristull Ruthenium of Ryhka LCM3 CC CM GRC (Barron/Darling) Borzoi-650 Kalak Ksar My Kalach At Tsarytsin GRC (Blackstock) Borzoi-598 Sunny-H C'lestial Midnight Sun JC FC GRC (Hudson) Italian Greyhound-13 Bill FC El Mar's Blue Bayou LCM ORC GRC (McNamee) Greyhound-555 Slick Slick Bridges GRC (Cortella) Afghan Hound-87 Kismet Llacue's Malaguena GRC (Trifiro/Lake/Llano/Cue) |
156.92/2 141.00/3 123.25/4 120.25/5 117.50/6 110.97/7 103.00/ 8 100.50/9 97.50/10 97.00/11 91.50/12 79.05/13 74.25/14 74.25/14 73.50/16 71.00/17 65.75/18 62.50/19 62.00/20 61.75/21 61.50/22 60.33/23 58.33/24 56.58/25 54.00/26 53.17/27 52.50/28 52.00/29 51.50/30 51.00/31 48.50/32 48.00/33 48.00/33 44.42/35 43.75/36 41.50/37 40.00/38 40.00/38 39.83/40 39.50/41 39.50/41 39.50/41 39.25/44 39.00/45 39.00/45 37.67/47 37.50/48 37.00/49 37.00/49 37.00/49 36.50/52 36.00/53 36.00/53 36.00/53 35.75/56 35.55/57 35.50/58 35.33/59 35.25/60 35.17/61 35.00/62 35.00/62 34.00/64 34.00/64 33.75/66 33.65/67 33.50/68 33.50/68 33.50/68 33.00/71 33.00/71 32.42/73 32.33/74 32.25/75 32.00/76 32.00/76 31.50/78 31.25/79 31.00/80 31.00/80 30.75/82 30.67/83 30.50/84 30.00/85 30.00/85 28.75/87 28.50/88 28.50/88 28.25/90 27.50/91 27.00/92 27.00/92 27.00/92 26.50/95 26.25/96 26.00/97 25.50/98 25.50/98 25.50/98 25.50/98 25.33/102 24.50/103 24.09/104 24.00/105 23.75/106 23.42/107 23.33/108 23.25/109 23.25/109 23.00/111 23.00/111 23.00/111 23.00/111 23.00/111 23.00/111 22.05/117 22.00/118 22.00/118 22.00/118 22.00/118 21.50/122 21.34/123 21.00/124 21.00/125 20.83/126 20.75/127 20.50/128 20.50/129 20.30/130 20.17/131 20.00/132 |