Heartland Coursing Association, Lawrence,
Judges: Mike Ferris, Scott Hurlbert
Iowa Coursing Association, Ames, Iowa May 9 Judges: Scott Hurlbert, Debbie Narwold
May 30 Judges: Greg Ward, Dean Wright
once because the lure got off a pulley, second because the 2 sloughis caught the lure They were finally released for the third time when at that very moment a wall of rain fell on the field, the dogs disappeared in the rain, the lure operator lost sight of the lure. The course was stopped and the 2 sloughis came back, dog and people soaked to the bone The owner did not re-enter the dogs again after the storm receeded Amal is the 2010 Winner of the Bouthayna Memorial
Judges: J. Anthony, D.Ewing
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