The Plight of the Braques in Spain
About Braques

What Braques deserve

On death row in Badajoz
Perrera in Etxauri
On death row in Malaga
On death row in Valencia
On death row in other Spanish pounds

Contact for this website                                            

For adoption
Special Pointer/Braque Project

Breeds included here are
Braccos/ Braques
Deutsche Kurzhaar
Deutsche Drahthaar

Pachon Navarro
Perdiguero de Burgos  
Perdigueiro Português
And their crosses

Updated March 31 2017

Perrera Etxauri, Navarre,  Spain

Contact: Txikasetxauri@Gmail.Com


New in the pound (January 23), 3 years old, very affectionate
More details soon

YANA, female 3-4 years old

BELTZA, female, 2 years old

NOA, 3-4 years old female

Adopted, reserved 2017

MALI (CHOCO), male 5 years old
reserved, taken in charge by an association

HUGO (BRANDY), German Shorthair Pointer, male, 4 years old

LEWIS (JELLO), male , 5 years old
Lewis and Hugo have been in the pound for a long time
this is where they live


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