published on line with the support of the Sloughi Fanciers Association of America and the magazine's sponsors The Sloughi Review Special Edition the old Dutch studbook prior to World War II The Sloughi Review Special Edition 2 Sloughi Trophies The Sloughi Review Special Edition 3 August Le Gras, Senoussi, Time capsules The Sloughi Review Special Edition 4 Sloughi/sighthounds of P.Mahler & H. Megeeren, 1800s Sloughi illustrations new The Sloughi Review Special Edition 5 Sloughi legends, Henna markings, August Le Gras, P. A Durel, Sloughi Tasso The Sloughi Review issue 13 All about the hunting and guarding breed Sloughi History of hunting, domestication from antiquity to now and much more The Sloughi Review issue 12 Country-of-origin Sloughis' influence on western breeding The Sloughi Review issue 11 World Coursing Championships/ Iron dog event The Sloughi Review issue 10 Sloughis in Algeria, Sloughis and Autism The Sloughi Review issue 9 Town of Slouguia, Amal's grand escape, Sloughi inspiration behind LGRA, Sloughi LGRA milestone, Ederatus-Mustela The Sloughi Review issue 8 ASFA International Invitational winners, Noteworthy achievements, Promising youngsters, Top dogs, Africans in Sweden The Sloughi Review issue 7 ASFA's Hall of Fame, Judging Sloughis, Sloughi Tohuwabohu - a complete confusion The Sloughi Review issue 6 Heinz-Gert & Gisela Bergmann, Sloughis donating blood, The Culture of the Sloughi The Sloughi Review issue 5 The Sloughi in the Arts The Sloughi Review issue 4 Celebrating longevity, 24 Sloughis that lived past the age of 15 years The Sloughi Review issue 3 Portrait of 5 outstanding Sloughis, Sloughi first breed in FCI, 10 Years of ASNAS 2008-2018 The Sloughi Review issue 2 Ch. Fa'Iz Shi'Rayan, The Art of Persistence, American show system 2 dog collars Maherpa's grave, UICL, UICL Dual Championship Sloughi winners The Sloughi Review issue 1 Life in conformation ring, 8 special Sloughis, The Nubia Memorial cup winners