Sloughi Fanciers Association of America

For previous years 2000-2009/2010 see here

High Achievers 2017

Congratulations Finn
Qalb Elassad Bagir el Qamar
Del Valle dog show, Pleasanton, California
Best of Breed, Best owner handled Sloughi at the age of 11 months!
Owner Nancy Lovelady
Breeder Pia Chaouki (Finland)

Congratulations to new IABCA  International Ch. V'Atiya Shi'Rayan
February 19
Owner: Gayle Sutton
Breeder: Dr. Dominique de Caprona

Congratulations to Grace, International Ch. Shi'Rayan's Tamima at McHan, CGC
for her 2 pts BOB win at the Kennel Club of Palm Springs, CA, January 7
Owner: Nancy Lovelady
Breeder: Dr. Dominique de Caprona

© Lovelady 2017

High Achievers 2016

SSARA December 19-20,
and Saber Shi'Rayan finish their big SGRC titles in Straight Racing

Ulfah wins the big Sloughi Performance title: the Nubia Memorial Cup 2016
Following the paw prints of 6 Nubia Cup winners in her ancestry.

Ulfah Shi'Rayan , SGRC
© de Caprona

Saber Shi'Rayan, SGRC
©  de Caprona

These pages, the text and images within them, are copyrighted by SFAA 1995-2011.
They may not be reproduced without written permission from the Sloughi Fanciers Association of America.