Sloughi Fanciers Association of America

For previous years 2000-2009/2010 see here

High Achievers 2020- 2021

New SGRC in straight racing (LGRA)

Bensekrane's Saff at Shi'Rayan
Breeder: Nabil Medjoub, Algeria
Owners: Drs Dominique de Caprona & Bernd Fritzsch, USA
SGRC=30 national pts, December 27 2020

New GRC in straight racing (LGRA)

© de Caprona
Warda Shi'Rayan
Breeder/owner: Dr. Dominique Crapon de Caprona, USA
March 28 2021

New SGRC2 in straight racing

© Medbery
Wahid Shi'Rayan
Breeder/owner: Dr. Dominique Crapon de Caprona

SGRC2=60 national points, April 11 2021

First title for a Sloughi in Barn hunt
Urban Locating 1 (NASDA)

Almaboubin Aamal
Breeder/owner: Nancy Lovelady, USA

AKC Puppy of Achievement
AKC Hound group 3 at 9 months of age
Number 1 Owner-handled Sloughi
National Specialty Winners Dog
June 18 2021

Almaboubin Aafiq

Breeder/co-owner: Nancy Lovelady, USA
Owner: Kim Brown

  AKC Puppy of Achievement
National Specialty Winners Bitch, Best of Winners
June 18 2021

Almaboubin Aaliyah
Breeder/co-owner: Nancy Lovelady, USA
Owner: Kim Brown

4th sloughi
  Inducted in ASFA's Hall of Fame
at the ASFA Convention in March 2021

Multi Ch. BIS O'Dah Shi'Rayan, Fch, ORC, SGRC5
Breeder: Dr. Dominique Crapon de Caprona
Owner: Dr.Bernd Fritzsch

O'Dah joined 3 other SFAA Sloughis already inducted in ASFA's Hall of Fame
Multi Ch. WW1997 A'Sissa Shi'Rayan, FCC, ORC, SGRC
Multi Ch. Bouthayna Shi'Rayan, FCM, SORC, GRC
Rym Cassandra F.Ch, GRC

AKC: American Kennel Club

ASFA: American Sighthound Field Association for lure coursing

LGRA: Large Gazehound Racing Association for straight racing
GRC: Gazehound Racing Champion
SGRC: Superior Gazehound Racing Champion

NASDA: North American Sport Dog Association

These pages, the text and images within them, are copyrighted by SFAA 1995-2011.
They may not be reproduced without written permission from the Sloughi Fanciers Association of America.