Mission Statement

The Sloughi Fanciers Association of
America (SFAA) is an international
conservation alliance of breeders, owners
and enthusiasts dedicated to the
preservation and welfare of the
North-African Sighthound, Sloughi. Established in 1988,
SFAA is the premiere breed club for the
Sloughi in the Americas; its members and their
dogs having paved the way for the breed in
gaining recognition in American field and
conformation venues and establishing nearly
all significant milestones for the breed in
the U.S., as an adjunct to ongoing
preservation efforts worldwide.
SFAA members continue to focus on "the
total Sloughi" as it has been handed down to
us through centuries of cultivation in its
lands of origin, being a hound of exceptional
instinct, intelligence, athleticism, beauty, vigor, reservedness
and devotion to its master.
In promoting the preservation of these
inherent qualities, SFAA members continue to
focus their efforts in a variety of areas:
*Providing an authoritative,
accurate, and comprehensive resource for
breed information:
SFAA members include pioneers in the
breed who have brought the first known Sloughi
to the Western Hemisphere (from Libya;1973),
have introduced the breed to the American dog
fancy in performance and conformation arenas,
as well as having published the only
breed-specific books on the Sloughi. Members continue to
publish and provide the international
community with a wide range of information in
a variety of international forums available to
the public. SFAA's
international membership and alliances include
noted breeders and enthusiasts in the U.S.,
Europe and N. Africa.
*Dedication to the 'functional'
Sloughi: Having
introduced and gained recognition for the
Sloughi in American field venues, SFAA members
and their dogs continue to set the standards
of excellence for the breed in lure coursing,
sprint racing and non-commercial oval track
racing. In
cooperation with Mr. Jack Lewis, founder of
LGRA, the Sloughi was the first breed to
participate in those venues which are now the
fastest-growing performance events for
sighthounds in the U.S. SFAA-member
hounds continue to excel and garner top
rankings (breed and all-breed) in such venues. SFAA's philosophy is
that such participation, within the context of
our modern culture, promotes the maintenance
of the Sloughi's essential nature as a sound,
athletic hound of exemplary instinct, drive
and balanced temperament.
Each year, SFAA awards the perpetual
Nubia Memorial Cup to the Sloughi achieving
the top ranking(s) in any combination of
recognized field events.
Some members also explore other
performance-based arenas with their Sloughis,
including Tracking and Herding.
Many SFAA-member-owned Sloughis are
multi-titled in both conformation and field.
*Promotion of a sound, diversified
genetic pool:
During its long history, the
Sloughi has experienced periods of great
hardship leading toward extinction. The ongoing
re-establishment of a sound and sustainable
worldwide population for the breed demands
that breeders and others focus on the
inclusion of genetically diverse specimens
from both indigenous and Western-bred sources,
in an attempt to further enhance the
international foundations of the breed. It is the philosophy
of SFAA that breeding schemes which focus
primarily on 'fixing a type' through
repetitious inbreeding and/or close
linebreeding are ultimately antithetical to
such long-term viability.
Similarly, programs and affiliations
which promote a 'closed pool' and/or severely
limit access to such continuing diversity or
encourage the over-utilization of any
individual specimen or line are of dubious
long-term value. Where
the Sloughi is concerned, it is also of
importance to recognize the possible negative
cumulative effects of breeding programs which
continue to build on and intensify non-Sloughi
influences which have been incorporated into
the pool in the past. Therewith,
SFAA members advocate alliances and programs
which promote the utilization of genetically
and phenotypically sound, diverse, pure-bred
specimens reflecting the breed's full array of
historic type and function.