When we moved to the USA in Fall of 1990, there
were hardly any Sloughis in this country.
Most of the Sloughis in America at the
time had never competed in any venue,
there was no champion breeding stock to get dogs
For this reason, and to preserve some of the
well established European lines we knew of,
we went ahead and acquired over the years dogs
from various breeders, in the USA, Europe and Africa,
in an attempt to get as wide a selection of bloodlines
and coat colors as possible in this small population of dogs.
Our aim was not just propagating Sloughis.
Our approach was based on the conservation of
certain bloodlines, and breeding the best dogs we could.
We did not have the luxury to breed only from
top dogs. At the time, those were in Europe.
However, there are also good genes in dogs that
are not necessarily top quality,
and bred with the right partners, we managed
to keep the good and correct the not so good.
So this was the rationale behind the choices
we made.
Fehda Fayrouz Kahloul de la Treille © de Caprona
Fehda was a charismatic
and charming brindle bitch who was from the Kahloul de la Treille well
established French lines bred for many years by Mrs Elyse Rhode-Goudineau.
This kennel no longer exists, but these bloodlines were based on dogs imported
mainly from Algeria and Morocco. Icare d'Ymauville was one of her foundation
males, this was the kennel from which Dominique got her first Sloughi in
1962. see Shi'Rayan and D'Ymauville
Fehda started
racing in the USA late in her life but was keen on the lure. She was so
fast when she was young, she could turn on a dime and catch birds in flight.
She finished her American IABCA International Championship and Veteran
Championship, and won Best Veteran at the SFAA National specialty in Lompoc,
California, 1999.
We had first
intended to breed her to the last remaining dog of a breeding Dominique
did in Europe, Noam, but when she was ready the male was to old and we
lost that lineage. So we looked for another male and found German bred
Damir el Tahiri (bred by Mr.H.Wandel, owned by Moreau). Although he himself
never achieved anything in dog events, he descended from German racing/show
lines not related to Fehda, and enabled an outcross we wanted to have.
Fehda gave us
the A Shi'Rayan litter with 4 puppies, 3 of which established important
milestones for the breed in America in racing, coursing and conformation.
These dogs were Aswad, Amir and their sister A'Ssissa.
Damir brought with him the PRA gene, and we worked very hard to develop
a test with Optigen in this country to genotype our breeding stock for
this genetic degenerative disease of the retina. We corrected this serious
problem, and with this test available, no Shi'Rayan puppy will ever have
Progressive Retinal Atrophy.
Fehda died at
the age of 9 years of hypothermia, the result of negligent post-surgical
care at the Veterinary Clinic, following routine spay surgery.
Farissa Fediha Kahloul de la Treille © de Caprona
Energetic and
bouncy Farissa was, like Fehda, from the French Kahloul de la Treille lines.
Although she also started late in life with the sport she chased the lure
with enthusiasm. She was the poster girl in an article about the Sloughi
in Sighthound Review (March-April 1993) written by Dominique de Caprona.
She finished her
IABCA International and Veteran Championship titles, and won Best Brood
bitch at the SFAA specialty in Woodstock, Ontario, Canada.
Bred to Rif de
Moreau, whose faults she compensated, she gave us the D Shi'Rayan litter.
was 11 1/2 years old when she died of cancer.
Estrella de Moreau playing with a rope © de Caprona
Sweet and gentle
Estrella's pedigree is directly Kahloul de la Treille. She came to join
Shi'Rayan at the age of 1 year. Although her conformation left to be desired
(straight hocks), she had a coat color we wanted to preserve: the deep
red black brindle. This color was the same as a foundation bitch of the
Kahloul lines, Isa Dora, in the 1970s. Isa Dora was a daughter of Icare
Estrella never
won any titles in her life, nor did she show any interest in chasing the
However, bred
to our best show and performance dog at the time, Aswad Shi'Rayan, who
compensated what she lacked, she gave us the B Shi'Rayan litter,
in which several dogs are champions and top performance dogs.
Enjoying the tender
loving care at Shi'Rayan (a fortune spent on infected ears she came with)
she turned 14 years old in May 2006. She died one month later of cancer.
Rif de Moreau © de Caprona 1993
Rif's pedigree
was Kahloul de la Treille on his sire's side, and his dam Richa was an
import from Algeria, chosen there by Mrs. Elyze Rhode-Goudineau. It is
for this reason that we purchased this dog - to add a recent African bloodline
to what we already had. This puppy almost died of a serious kidney infection
he came with.
Rif was keen on
the lure but, because of weak front pasterns, would hurt himself when running.
For this reason we could neither show him nor take him to performance events,
and he spent a leisurely life being the boss at home on his favorite pillow
or in the fields of the Shi'Rayan property with his friends.
Bred to Farissa
Fediha Khaloul de la Treille, who had strong front pasterns, he gaves us
the D Shi'Rayan litter.
Rif was 12 years
7 months old when he died in his sleep.
Chamisa Schuru-esch-Schams still going strong at 11 1/2
years of age © de Caprona 2005
Nicknamed " the
Tail wagging the dog", spunky and full of herself, Chamisa brought
for us one of the best German racing lines through her dam Umaia Schuru-esch-Schams
and country of origin Moroccan blood through her sire G'Zel Ouled Laouichat.
A conformation
ARBA Champion, Chamisa was a highly motivated and agile coursing bitch
and is one of the Foundation Coursing Champions in ASFA. Her antics and
jumps on the field were an absolute delight to watch. She was also an excellent
very consistent racer, whether on the straight or the oval track.
Bred to our top
racing and conformation dog at the time, Aswad Shi'Rayan, she whelped the
F Shi'Rayan litter of top conformation and racing/coursing dogs, which
included the # 1 Sighthound all years combined in sprint racing BISS International
and Veteran Ch. Fahel Shi'Rayan, SORC, FCC, F.Ch., SGRC6
Chamisa was one
month short of her 12th birthday when she died of kidney failure.
El Emin Schuru-esch-Schams © de Caprona 1996
People friendly
and easy going El Emin came to join the Shi'Rayan clan bringing with him
some good German racing line on his dam's side of the pedigree and an additionnal
line of Dutch breeding on his sire's side, again to enrich our Sloughi
gene pool.
He won the very
first Best puppy in Show on the continent in Canada. He was the inspiration
behind the story "Flying with a Sloughi" by Bernd Fritzsch, published in
Sighthound Review 1994 (July-August).
El Emin did not
like lure coursing after hitting a pulley with one foot during practice
- he remembered this all his life -and preferred to enjoy an easy life
at Shi'Rayan, dreaming and being cuddled.
El Emin, bred
to our wonderful bitch A'Ssissa Shi'Rayan, gave us the G Shi'Rayan litter.
He turned 13 years
old in March 2007. El Emin died of cancer at the age of 13 1/2 years.

To further broaden
the Sloughi gene pool we are working with, in 1999 imported 3 Sloughis
from North Africa directly, the bitches: Rym Cassandra, GRC, F.Ch. and
Ramla, and the dog Tarfa, GRC.
We imported also
2 German Sloughis who themselves are outcrosses to African breeding: Bahlawaan
Sheik el Arab, GRC, F.Ch. (half Tunisian/half German racing/show line)
and Bi-na Mahanajim, GRC (half Libyan, 1/4 German/1/4 Dutch lines) and
a bitch from Sweden Ch.Syringa Happiness at Shi'Rayan, ORC, SGRC (combining
our Ch.Ghali Shi'Rayan with a Finnish breeding).
In 2008,
Q'Taya from Tunisia, Amal and Rouah from Morocco joined Shi'Rayan.
You can see more
of them under Africans and Champions
- Champions
- Puppies-
- Africans
- Youngsters
- Veterans
- Sheik
el Arab - La'Jahibbu--
- Trip
years - 40
years - News